How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Backup Error 248

Here is a guide to rectify QuickBooks Error Message 248:

In the past decade, QuickBooks has offered unwavering accounting services to business owners around the world, which has undoubtedly revolutionized the accounting industry. What cannot, however, be overlooked is the vast array of technical errors that keep annoying users now and then. The present discussion will concentrate on QuickBooks Error Code 248. These may be related to Company files, update processes, backups, or payroll-related issues.

Whenever users try to back up their company files, this error has been observed by them most frequently. In addition to noticing this error when running employee payrolls, this discussion will provide you with clarity about the problem as well as provide a number of workable solutions.

How does QuickBooks Error 248 occur?

This error generally appears as a message related to backup and payroll processes:

Leaving it unresolved can result in serious ramifications for accounting data, including loss of data issues.

Why does QuickBooks Backup Error Message 248 occur?

Below are three causes that can provoke the issue:

  • Overpayments may have been made to employees.
  • There might be some corruption issues with the company file.
  • Issues related to payroll items.

How to Fix QuickBooks Error 248 in Different Ways

This section contains brainstorming solutions that should assist you in solving QuickBooks backup and payroll error 248 easily.

Strategy 1: The first strategy is to conform to the QuickBooks Rebuild and Verify Data Tool.

To resolve Backup Error Message 248 in QuickBooks, the first practical strategy is to use the Verify and Rebuild tool. It is a holistic tool that fixes several issues in the Company file. The steps are as follows:

Step 1 : Run the Rebuild Tool as a first step

  • QuickBooks Desktop should be run as an administrator at first.
  • Select Utilities from the File tab when the program loads.
  • From the drop-down box, select Rebuild Data from the list of tools and utilities.
  • The user will be prompted to back up the company file upon clicking the option. The user should proceed with the backup before proceeding with the rebuild.
  • On the screen, a message stating “Rebuild has completed” will appear.

Step 2 : Run the Verify Data Tool in Step 2

If the user wants to double-check whether the issues within the Company file have been resolved, he or she should run the Verify data tool, which includes the following steps:

  • Click on the File menu to begin.
  • The next step involves heading to the Utilities section and selecting the Verify Data option.
  • A message stating, “QuickBooks detected no problems with data” will appear. Click OK.
  • The Rebuild Data Tool, on the other hand, unearths the comprehensive message, “Type: paycheck, Paycheck: Txn # 30159 on 15/06/2019, doc#:’8000′, PO#:”, last edited by “Source -200.20, name -100.20”.
  • It is necessary at this point for the user to edit the company file in order to resolve this error. If you have difficulty or lack the technical skills to do so, please contact QuickBooks support.

Strategy 2 : The second strategy is to create a new item

A similar error may occur in payroll, especially when overcompensating some employees or when overpaying taxes. In this case, proceed as follows:

  • Running QuickBooks as an admin is the first step, followed by moving to the List section.
  • Click on the Payroll List option.
  • Then select New Item.
  • Next, click on Customer Setup, and then click Next to move forward.
  • A new name must now be provided by the user for this item.
  • Then, link the item, and select None of the Tax Tracking Types.
  • After hitting Next twice, hit Neither. Again, hit Next.
  • Enter the overpaid amount now.
  • Finish the process by clicking Finish.

Strategy 3 : Editing employee information 

Making certain changes to employee information is another way to fix QuickBooks Error 248, as explained below:

From the Employee tab, click on Payroll Taxes.

Next, click on the Adjust payroll liabilities option and enter the date and effective date.

Then, go to the Adjustment section and click on the Employee tab.

Upon selecting the payroll item that needs adjustment, the user should enter a negative value for reducing it in the Taxes and liabilities section.

Click on the Save tab to finish.

I’m winding up!

While the QuickBooks Error Message 248 might feel to be a complex issue for the maturity, getting it remedied is a cakewalk if the forenamed guidelines are duly followed.

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